Colección INTI +

Título: Thermoelectricity in Quantum-Hall Corbino structures
Fuente: Physical Review Applied, 14
Autor/es: Real, Mariano A.; Gresta, Daniel; Reichl, Christian; Weis, Jürgen; Tonina, Alejandra; Giudici, Paula; Arrachea, Liliana; Wegscheider, Werner; Dietsche, Werner
Materias: Termoelectricidad; Estructuras; Electrodinámica cuántica; Voltaje; Conductividad eléctrica; Electrones; Fonones; Enfriamiento; Mediciones; Campo magnético
Editor/Edición: American Physical Society; 2020
Licencia: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
Afiliaciones: Real, Mariano A. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); Argentina
Gresta, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM); Argentina
Reichl, Christian. ETH Zürich; Suiza
Weis, Jürgen. Max-Plack-Institut für Festkörperforschung; Alemania
Tonina, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); Argentina
Giudici, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (INN-CNEA-CONICET); Argentina
Arrachea, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM); Argentina
Wegscheider, Werner. ETH Zürich; Suiza
Dietsche, Werner. ETH Zürich; Suiza

Resumen: We measure the thermoelectric response of Corbino structures in the quantum Hall effect regime and compare it with a theoretical analysis. The measured thermoelectric voltages are qualitatively and quantitatively simulated based upon the independent measurement of the conductivity indicating that they originate predominantly from the electron diffusion. Electron-phonon interaction does not lead to a phonon-drag contribution in contrast to earlier Hall-bar experiments. This implies a description of the Onsager coefficients on the basis of a single transmission function, from which both thermovoltage and conductivity can be predicted with a single fitting parameter. It furthermore let us predict a figure of merit for the efficiency of thermoelectric cooling which becomes very large for partially filled Landau levels (LL) and high magnetic fields.