Colección INTI-SNRD

Título: SIM Regional Supplementary Comparison : SIM.L-S6. Calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison
Fuente: Metrología, 52
Autor/es: Viliesid, Miguel; Colín Castellanos, Carlos; Chávez, T.; Chaudhary, K. P.; Dvořáček, Frantisek; Stoup, John; Santos Barros, Wellington; Vaudagna, Leandro; Morales, Roberto; Acquarone, Alejandro; Carrasco, J.; Vega, M.; Salazar, M.; Gil, V.; Dimas, J.; Reyes, E.; Hamilton, F.; Reddock, T.; Durga, S.; Burton, T.
Materias: Sistema Interamericano de Metrología; Metrología; Calibración; Ensayos mecánicos; Interferometría; Patrones
Editor/Edición: IOP Publishing; 2015
Afiliaciones: Viliesid, Miguel. Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM); México
Colín Castellanos, Carlos. Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM); México
Chávez, T. Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM); México
Chaudhary, K. P. National Physical Laboratory (NPL); India
Dvořáček, Frantisek. Czech Metrology Institute (CMI); República Checa
Stoup, John. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Estados Unidos
Santos Barros, Wellington. Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia (INMetro); Brasil
Vaudagna, Leandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); Argentina
Morales, Roberto. Laboratorio Nacional de Longitud (DICTUC); Chile
Acquarone, Alejandro. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU); Uruguay
Carrasco, J. Servicio Nacional de Metrología (INDECOPI); Perú
Vega, M. Instituto Boliviano de Metrología (IBMetro); Bolivia
Salazar, M. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización (INEN); Ecuador
Gil, V. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC); Colombia
Dimas, J. Centro Nacional de Metrología de Panamá (CENAMEP); Panamá
Reyes, E. Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrología (LACOMET); Costa Rica
Hamilton, F. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS); Trinidad y Tobago
Reddock, T. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS); Trinidad y Tobago
Durga, S. Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ); Jamaica
Burton, T. Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ); Jamaica

Resumen: This supplementary comparison concerns the calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison, which is a technique of paramount importance as it is at the highest level in the traceability chain of length for most countries of the American Continent. This comparison is designed to support the submitted CMC claims of these countries. The measurand is the central length of several gauge blocks as defined in ISO 3650 and the circulated gauge blocks were used for two comparisons carried out in two stages: the first stage, SIM.L-K1:2007, Calibration of gauge blocks by optical interferometry (2007–2010); the gauge blocks were also measured by mechanical comparison for those NMI also participating in SIM.L-S6:2007; the second stage, SIM.L-S6:2007, Calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison (2010–2011) for the participants that measured only by mechanical comparison. In this second comparison there were 16 participants, 14 from the Americas, and 2 invited NMIs from other regions. The circulation in the second stage had 10 participants.