Colección INTI-SNRD

Título: Force key comparison CCM.F-K2.a.1 : 50 kN and 100 kN. Final report
Fuente: Metrología, 53
Autor/es: Savarin, Alejandro; Medina, Nieves; Knott, Andy
Materias: Metrología; Fuerza; Mediciones; Pesas; Transductores; Instrumentos de medición
Editor/Edición: IOP Publishing; 2016
Afiliaciones: Savarin, Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); Argentina
Medina, Nieves. (CEM); España
Knott, Andy. National Physical Laboratory (NPL); Reino Unido

Resumen: This report describes CIPM key comparison CCM.F-K2.a.1, a key comparison between force standard machines at the national measurement institutes of Argentina (INTI), Spain (CEM), and the United Kingdom (NPL), at generated forces of 50 kN and 100 kN, in the period from 2010 to 2012. Two transducers were used and the force-time profile was strictly controlled, to minimise effects of creep. The final results are linked to the KCRV determined in CIPM Key Comparison CCM.F-K2.a through the use of one common deadweight force standard machine (NPL's 120 kN machine) in the two comparison exercises.