Colección INTI-SNRD

Título: Controlled generation and detection of a thermal bias in Corbino devices under the quantum Hall regime
Fuente: arXiv:2210.15599v3
Autor/es: Real, Mariano A.; Tonina, Alejandra; Arrachea, L.; Giudici, P.; Reichl, C; Wegscheider, W.; Dietsche, W.
Materias: Electrodinámica cuántica; Magnetorresistencia; Termoelectricidad; Mediciones; Método experimental; Metrología
Editor/Edición: arXiv; 2023
Afiliaciones: Real, Mariano A. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Dto. de Metrología Cuántica.; Argentina
Tonina, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Dto. de Metrología Cuántica.; Argentina
Arrachea, L. UNSAM. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina
Arrachea, L. UNSAM. ICIFI; Argentina
Giudici, P. CNEA-CONICET. Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología; Argentina
Reichl, C. ETH Zürich. Solid State Physics Laboratory; Suiza
Wegscheider, W. ETH Zürich. Solid State Physics Laboratory; Suiza
Dietsche, W. ETH Zürich. Solid State Physics Laboratory; Suiza
Dietsche, W. Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung; Alemania

Resumen: We present an experimental technique to generate and measure a temperature bias in the quantum Hall effect of GaAs/AlGaAs Corbino samples. The bias is generated by injecting an electrical current at a central resistive heater and the resulting radial temperature drop is determined by conductance measurements at internal and external concentric rings. The experimental results agree with the predictions of numerical simulations of the heat flow through the substrate. We also compare these results with previous predictions based on the thermoelectric response of these devices.