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Argentinian Technical Requirements and Evaluation of WIM Systems
Poster · May 2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21994.57289
3 authors, including: Javier Alejandro Jorge UNC Universidad nacional de corodoba 9 PUBLICATIONS 1 CITATION
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Prague May 19-23, 2019
Argentinian Technical
Requirements and Evaluation of
WIM Systems
Ignacio*, Moretti, INTI, Argentina Javier, Jorge, INTI, Argentina Julian, Jones, INTI, Argentina José, Amado, INTI, Argentina
In 2017, police inspectors conducted roadside inspections that included checking the vehicle's weight and ensuring compliance with transport regulations. They found a truck traveling with twice the permitted load [1]. This situation is not isolated or particular, but happens rather generally. Enforcement is critical, regulations on overloaded vehicles are adequate, however, the problem of persistent overloading stems from the inadequate enforcement of these regulations. This poster introduces some aspects of the draft requirements specification for Weigh-in-motion systems for direct enforcement in Argentina. The first draft document is based on OIML R-134 [2] recommendation as well as COST323 [3] and some newer experiences from countries like Brazil [4], Uruguay [5], Czech Republic [6] and The Netherlands [7].
Since 2016, several tests were carried out in order to evaluate, not only the metrological performance of different commercial WIM systems, but also the technical viability for the implementation of its use in Argentinian roads.
The assessment process was based on the test methods described in the International Recommendation OIML R 1341:2006 “Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion and measuring axle loads – Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements – Tests”.
Static measurements
Four different types of technologies for WIM sensors have been installed in this pilot-project by different commercial providers. Instrument “A”: a strain gauge strip sensor. Instrument “B”: a quartz sensor. Instrument “C”: a bending plate sensor. And the last type, “D”: a load cell sensor. Results for 100% of the measurements didn’t meet the expectations. Installation problems and adjustment defects where the main roots of error. Only one of the devices was able to correctly classify all of the vehicles. This aspect is very important in order to automatically set the maximum permitted load, wich deppends on wheel type (single, dual, superwide), and axle distance.
MPE / DMP (%)
Class Total Mass
5 7 10 15 20
Load per group of axles
8 11 15 20 25
Axle load
10 15 20 25 30
Table 1:Accuracy Class
Tests were carried out in Larena toll station. The weighing
station is a concrete platform with characteristics
according to the requirements of the European
Recommendation COST 323. The site was classified as
Weighing station
Accuracy Class d (kg)
≤ 10
≤ 20
≤ 20
≤ 50
≤ 100
≤ 200
Table 2:Scale interval
Requirements for Weigh-In-
Motion” draft, points out a
system accuracy classification
table. Table 1 describes all
classes and the maximum
permited error (MPE). F type
devices can be useful in a first
stage of implementation and
technologies to be used. The
MPEs are defined for in-service
verification. Type approval and
initial verification requires half
of the MPE. The maximum
admitted values of scale
interval d for each instrument
class are specified in Table 2.
Vehicle classification accuracy
is vital for direct enforcement.
Software and hardware security requirements were also included in the proposal, source code inspection is mandatory. Authentication, Integrity and Non-repudiation of data are also required for consistent data transfers so digital signature algorithms are suggested.
The proposed technical requirements for WIM systems in Argentina includes test suites a similar to OIML for the two axle rigid truck but for all trucks. Since argentinean axle group classification depends on axle distance and wheel type (single, dual, superwide), the specification states that the system must be able to measure the axle distance with a maximum permited error of 10%. Defined WIM classes are feasible and usful in argentinean actual context.
2. OIML (2006), “ Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion and axle-load measuring. Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements R 134-1.
3. COST323 (1999), European Specification on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles, EUCO-COST/323/8/99, LCPC, Paris.
4. INMETRO (2016) Portaria número 375/2013 y 47/2016 “Regulamento Técnico Metrológico (RTM) sobre instrumentos de pesagem automáticos de veículos rodoviários”.
5. Uruguay (2006), Decreto N° 500/006, “Reglamento tecnico metrologico de instrumentos para pesaje de vehiculos de transporte por carretera”.
6. CMI (2010), CZ Measure of a general nature, No. 0111-OOP-C010-10, ref. No. 0313/003/10/Pos., 21 May.
7. NMi (2016) International WIM standard Specifications and test procedures for Weigh-in-Motion Systems.
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