Colección INTI +

Título: Technical note : determination of acidity in whole raw milk. Comparison of results obtained by two different analytical methods
Fuente: Journal of Dairy Science, 89
Autor/es: Fabro, M. A.; Milanesio, H. V.; Robert, L. M.; Speranza, J. L.; Murphy, M.; Rodríguez, G.; Castañeda, R.
Materias: Acidez; Leche entera; Leche cruda; Métodos de análisis; Metodología
Editor/Edición: ; 2006
Licencia: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
Afiliaciones: Fabro, M. A. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos Rafaela; Argentina
Milanesio, H. V. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos Rafaela; Argentina
Robert, L. M. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos Rafaela; Argentina
Speranza, J. L. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos Rafaela; Argentina
Murphy, M. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos; Argentina
Rodríguez, G.nInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos. ; Argentina
Castañeda, R.nInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Lácteos. ; Argentina

Resumen: In Argentina, one analytical method is usually carried out to determine acidity in whole raw milk: the Instituto Nacional de Racionalizacio´n de Materiales standard (no. 14005), based on the Dornic method of French origin. In a national and international regulation, the Association of Official Analytical Chemists International method (no. 947.05) is proposed as the standard method of analysis. Although these methods have the same foundation, there is no evidence that results obtained using the 2 methods are equivalent. The presence of some trends and discordant data lead us to perform a statistical study to verify the equivalency of the obtained results. We analyzed 266 samples and the existence of significant differences between the results obtained by both methods was determined.