Colección INTI-SNRD

Título: LabOSat as a versatile payload for small satellites : first 100 days in LEO orbit
Fuente: IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites, 1
Autor/es: Sanca, G. A.; Barella, M.; Gomez Marlasca, F.; Rodríguez, G.; Martelliti, D.; Patrone, L.; Levy, P.; Golmar, F.
Materias: Satélites artificiales; Almacenamiento de datos; Tableros de comando; Ionización
Editor/Edición: 2017
Afiliaciones: Sanca, G. A. Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM); Argentina
Barella, M. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Micro y Nanoelectrónica (CONICET); Argentina
Gomez Marlasca, F. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA); Argentina
Rodríguez, G. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Micro y Nanoelectrónica; Argentina
Martelliti, D. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Micro y Nanoelectrónica; Argentina
Patrone, L. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Micro y Nanoelectrónica; Argentina
Levy, P. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Argentina
Golmar, F. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. INTI-Micro y Nanoelectrónica (UNSAM); Argentina

Resumen: In this work the first results obtained by LabOSat-01 platform are presented. This platform was designed for testing custom devices on board of small satellites. Two LabOSat-01 type boards were launched and placed into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) on May 30, 2016. We present here an analysis of data collected by one of these boards during the first days of mission. Total Ionization Dose results are compared with data acquired by LabOSat-01’s predecessor board, MeMOSat-01, launched in 2014.